:+: The Microwave Show :+:

I found another cool show to watch on YouTube.. Well actually Shan did but still...
The show's called "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?" by Jory Caron, Riley Mcllwain and Jonathan Paula...
Cool show... It's all about microwaving stuff like my PS2, your iPod, his laptop, her Barbie etc you name it...

Here are some of the episodes that I recommend watching:-
1. the Nintendo Zapper
2. the Rubik's Cube
3. the Pikachu
4. the PS2
5. the microwave (Diane)
6. the iPod
7. the Hannah Montana pen
8. the Xbox 360 (recommended coz it's the new game console I want)
9. the thermite
10. the presidental candidate (Obama & McCain)

Enjoy... ;)

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